Governance-only tokens are the past.
$OPUS is the future.

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How is $OPUS different from other tokens? What's in it for you? Glad you asked! Let's go through it.

We are a governance minimized protocol.

This means our governance is limited to...
Fixed parameter choices
Control over the treasury
The benefits ↗↗
Protection from 51% attacks or tyranny of the majority.

Censorship resistance.

What comes with

You can choose to receive your interest in the underlying or in $OPUS*.

* through Sandclock’s DCA vaults
By choosing to receive your interest in $OPUS, you create a positive feedback loop. This is the perfect combination between protocol success and usage.

Fees collected are used to help collateralize the protocol in perpetuity, lowering interest rates over time.

They are owned by $OPUS holders and can be withdrawn at any time.
01. Captive insurance fund

Our captive insurance fund is saved in Sandclock’s vaults, generating yield for a rainy day.

Staking $OPUS will give you coverage proportional to your share of the fund.
02. Interest payout

You can choose to receive your interest in the underlying or in $OPUS*.

* through Sandclock’s DCA vaults
By choosing to receive your interest in $OPUS, you create a positive feedback loop. This is the perfect combination between protocol success and usage.
03. Treasury ownership

Fees collected are used to help collateralize the protocol in perpetuity.

They are owned by $OPUS and can be withdrawn at any time.